Our Mission
Our Vision
The mission of Natural Resource Conservancy is to conserve important, unique, and historical natural resources throughout the United States and its territories by working collaboratively with both public and private landowners.
Natural Resources Conservancy believes that land conservation is one of the most important endeavors that can be done to ensure the safety and sustainability of our planet. According to the Institute for Sustainable Solutions study about New Jersey’s ecosystem services and natural capital, “…undeveloped forests and other natural areas provide a range of vital ecosystem services.”
These ecosystems can provide benefits such as clean air, extreme weather mitigation, pollination of crops, and animal habitat preservation. By choosing to be intentional with land conservation, we can all do our part in promoting biodiversity and protecting wildlife.
Meet Our Staff

Robert Gregory
Executive Director
Robert is the founder and Executive Director of the Natural Resources Conservancy (NRC). Before founding NRC, Robert established and served as the Executive Director of the Compatible Lands Foundation (CLF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to collaborating with the Department of Defense and other partners to promote compatible land uses through land conservation.
Robert also served as founder and Executive Director of Land Legacy, Oklahoma’s first statewide land trust; he also worked for the Trust for Public Land (TPL), and the Oklahoma Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. Robert has a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in business administration, both from Oklahoma State University.

Abigail Hoffman
Director of Operations
Abigail (Abby) Hoffman joined Natural Resources Conservancy in December 2021 and is excited to help make a lasting impact on our communities through land conservation.
Abby has dedicated her professional career to helping improve the lives of the people of Oklahoma, through her work with Teach for America, Tulsa Area United Way, Reading Partners, and AmeriCorps. Abby earned her undergraduate degree in Human Services from Western Washington University, and her master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma.

Danny Williams
Co-Founder/Director of Business Development

Trevor Moore
Director of Conservation & Stewardship
Trevor is the Director of Conservation Stewardship at Natural Resources Conservancy (NRC), dedicating his career to the advancement of conservation efforts. Starting as a part-time contributor, Trevor’s passion for conservation grew exponentially as he witnessed the positive impact of NRC’s initiatives. Driven by his deepening commitment, Trevor transitioned to a full-time position, taking charge of a groundbreaking new monitoring initiative.
Before joining NRC, Trevor served as the Executive Director of Watershed Hospitality. Trevor holds a BM from Northeastern State University, and an MMA from the Lamont School at the University of Denver.

Margaret (Maggie) Weber
Project Manager
Maggie’s personal philosophy is that each of our has a responsibility to use our talents and expertise to help build communities and to preserve natural resources. This philosophy drives Maggie’s enthusiasm and passion for the mission of Natural Resources Conservancy.
Maggie’s long and distinguished career in marketing communications in the southwestern United States spanned nearly 40 years, winning many local, state, regional, and national awards. Maggie’s personal focus is working with charities and nonprofit groups to help support and build her home community, including Literary Council of Oklahoma, Trust for Public Lands (Santa Fe, NM), American Institute of Discussion, United Way, and Compatible Lands Foundation.

Jim D. Marshall
Project Director
Jim comes to the Natural Resources Conservancy through his experience at the Compatible Lands Foundation (CLF), where he worked with both Robert and Danny to provide “buffer zones” adjacent to various U.S. Army and Reserve installations like Fort Campbell and Camp Shelby.
Jim’s extensive experience in the banking industry fueled his work at CLF, where he was responsible for the financial stability of the organization. Jim has also worked in the oil industry, and earned his bachelor’s degree in Finance from Oklahoma State University.